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Looping through multi dimensional array


The approach taken here was completely wrong. This is how it should have been done.

public class Recipe {
  public List<string> ingredients;
  public string result;

  public Recipe (List<string> _ingredients, string _result) {
    this.ingredients _ingredients;
    this.result = _result;

And then when looping:

Recipe[] recipes = new Recipe[] {
  new Recipe(new List<string>(new string[] { "potato", "tabasco" }), "explosivePotato"),
  new Recipe(new List<string>(new string[] { "mentos", "cola" }), "colaCannon"),
  new Recipe(new List<string>(new string[] { "potato", "cola" }), "potatoCola"),
  new Recipe(new List<string>(new string[] { "potato", "chips" }), "potatoChips")

This would also mean that looping would be a whole lot simpler.

Original question

I have a C# script with the following array:

string[,] craftingRecipes = new string[,]{
    // {recipe},{result}

How can i loop through every item in the n'th subarray? So for example the array containing {"potato","tabasco"} should be looped twice, since there are two items in it.
Thank you for any help!

I'm not sure I understood your question, since your code doesn't compile, but you can use this loop to iterate through items in first "line":

        int line = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < craftingRecipes.GetLength(1); i++)

Although, Your array should look more like this (I had to add sth_missing_here , because Multi-Dimensional Array must have sub-arrays with the same length):

        string[,] craftingRecipes = new string[,]{

You can use the OfType<T> method, to convert the multidimensional array into an IEnumerable<T> result, for sample:

IEnumerable<string> items = craftingRecipes.OfType<int>();

foreach(var item in items)
   // loop between all elements...

As per the edit 19-09-2018, this can now be properly answered.

Iterate over the array using two simple nested foreach loops.

foreach (Recipe recipe in recipes) {
  System.Console.Write("To make '{0}' you need:", recipe.result);

  foreach (ingredient in recipe.ingredients) {

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