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Using read function of oData model in UI5

I am coding an UI5 App which consumes a given OData Service. Now I want to get the name of an account with a given account number and Display it in a table. As I can only access the account Name via /AccountInfoSet()/ShortText I tried to use a formatter function to map the account number.

Binding in View:

Formatter function in Controller:

numToNameFormatter : function(sNum){ var text = this.getView().getModel().read("/AccountInfoSet('" + sNum + "')", null, null, true, function(oData, oResponse){ return JSON.stringify(oData); }, function(){ alert("Read failed"); }); return text; }

This should return the requested object as a string. The data is requested successfully, as I verified via an alert. The problem is, that I can't get the data out of the call back, as it ist asynchronous. How do I get the data.

Thanks in advance!

Not sure if your data model is set up like this, but would it be possible to expand your table set to also load the related AccountInfoSet 's?

I mean, if your table holds for instance an array of Accounts , and each Account entry has a related AccountInfo , you could just fill your table with the following:


You then bind the field in your table directly, without a formatter:

<TextField value="{AccountInfo/0/ShortText}">

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