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SAP UI5: How do you read the data in a nested odata object in Javascript?

I'm calling an oData v2 service with an $expand parameter so the url looks like this:


and I am returned an oData json object which looks like this:

   "d": {
      "results": [
            "key1": "val1",
            "key2": "val2",
            "key3": "val3",
            "key4": {
               "results": [
                     "key5": "val5",
                     "key6": "val6",
                     "key7": "val7"

Once I receive the oData object, in my controller.js I create a JSONModel object like so and assign it to the viewModel:

var oJson = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(oData);
this.getView().byId("tableId").setModel(oJson, "myModel");

Next, in my View.xml I have a table with the id "tableId" which binds this myModel as so:

<Table id="tableId" items="{path: 'myModel>/results' }">

With the above I am able to retrieve the values for key1, key2 and key3 in the table by doing:

<Text text="{myModel>key1}" />

But I cannot get the values for the results array under key4 to access key5, key6 and key7. How do I achieve this please?

You mentioned aggregation binding . How do you do that to bind the values of everything under key4 to the same table?

Depends on how you'd like display the key4 values. Since .../key4/results is a collection, same as /d/results , you could, for example, create another table / list control that shows items from the key4 that was selected from the 1st table via context binding . It's not possible to bind key4 in the same table.

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