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python code in vim script

I have a file, say:

Program  foo
Implicit None
End Program bar

Now, I want the "bar" in last line to be "foo" (ie Program and End program name should be same). I wrote a python script for this, which works very well:

import fileinput
with open("i.f90") as inp:
    for line in inp:
        if line.startswith("Program"):
            var = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[-1].strip()
        if line.startswith("End Program"):
            v2 = line.strip()
            print v2
STR="End Program "+var
print STR
for line in fileinput.input("i.f90", inplace=True):
    print line.replace(v2, STR).strip()

But, as I want to call it from vim , as a ftplugin , I put it in vim's ftplugin as:

function! Edname() 
import vim
import fileinput
with open("i.f90") as inp:
    for line in inp:
        if line.startswith("Program"):
            var = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[-1].strip()
        if line.startswith("End Program"):
            v2 = line.strip()
            print v2
STR="End Program "+var
print STR
for line in fileinput.input("i.f90", inplace=True):
    print line.replace(v2, STR).strip()

As you can see the only changes I have made is to put it in vim. No real change in the actual python code. But in this case, this is not working. It is printing the v2 and STR properly, but the line in the file (or the buffer) is not getting updated.

Any clue?

This is largely to do with my earlier post . But now, I have find a partial solution with python , but that is not working when called from vim.

If that's what you mean by automation , you don't need Python. Just put something like this in a ftplugin for your filetype:

function! s:FixName()
    let [buf, l, c, off] = getpos('.')
    call cursor([1, 1, 0])

    let lnum = search('\v\c^Program\s+', 'cnW')
    if !lnum
        call cursor(l, c, off)

    let parts = matchlist(getline(lnum), '\v\c^Program\s+(\S*)\s*$')
    if len(parts) < 2
        call cursor(l, c, off)

    let lnum = search('\v\c^End\s+Program\s+', 'cnW')
    call cursor(l, c, off)
    if !lnum

    call setline(lnum, substitute(getline(lnum), '\v\c^End\s+Program\s+\zs.*', parts[1], ''))

call s:FixName()

You can also do it with a macro, but that doesn't look as clever as the function above. ;) Something like this:

nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-p> /\v\c^Program\s+\zs<CR>"zy$/\v\c^End\s+Program\s+\zs<CR>D"zP

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