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Ansible conditional handlers for a task?

FYI, I'm running my Ansible playbook in "pull-mode" not push mode. Therefore, my nodes will publish the results of their task via Hipchat.

With that said, I have a task that installs RPMs. When the installs are successful, the nodes notify via Hipchat that the task was successfully run. Now, in the event that a task fails, i force it to notify hipchat w/ the "--force-handlers" paramter. My question, is there a way to call a particular handler depending on the outcome of the task?


- name: Install Perl modules
  command: sudo rpm -Uvh {{ rpm_repository }}/{{ item.key }}-{{ item.value.svn_tag }}.rpm --force
  with_dict: deploy_modules_perl
  notify: announce_hipchat


- name: announce_hipchat
  local_action: hipchat
        token={{ hipchat_auth_token }}
        room={{ hipchat_room }}
        msg="[{{ ansible_hostname }}] Successfully installed RPMs!"

In this case, I use multiple handlers. See following example :

file site.yml

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  force_handlers: true
  - cmds:
      echo: hello
      eccho: hello
  - name: echo
    command: "{{ item.key }} {{ item.value }}"
    register: command_result
    with_dict: "{{ cmds }}"
    changed_when: true
    failed_when: false
    - "hipchat"
  - name: "hipchat"
    command: "/bin/true"
    - "hipchat_succeeded"
    - "hipchat_failed"
  - name: "hipchat_succeeded"
      var: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{ command_result.results | selectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"
  - name: "hipchat_failed"
      var: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{ command_result.results | rejectattr('rc', 'equalto', 0) | list }}"

Use command

ansible-playbook -c local -i "localhost," site.yml

CAUTION: use test filter 'equalsto' added in jinja2 2.8

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