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How to convert JavaBean contains List to Map in java

public class MyAgreementList {
    private String name;

    private List<MyAgreement> agreementList;

    public List<MyAgreement> getAgreementList() {
        return agreementList;

    public void setAgreementList(List<MyAgreement> agreementList) {
        this.agreementList = agreementList;


I want to convert MyAgreementList to Map,anyone can help me? The result I want is that:the Map have two keys : name,agreementList,and the List value can not be lost

Is there any framework can support this?

psudocode : iterate the list and get agreement id and add as key else maintain some counter for key.Hope this helps

for(MyAgreement mya : agreementList){
      //maintain a counter say counter

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