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Rails: CSV.generate and renaming headers

I'm exporting a bunch of records to a CSV like so:

def self.to_csv
  attributes = %w(full_name first_name last_name created_at status)

  CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
    csv << attributes
    all.each do |lead|
      csv << attributes.map { |attr| lead.send(attr) }

But I need the headers to read like Full Name not full_name . I need a hash to match the names which is fine, but how do I write the new header names to the CSV file within CSV.generate ?

Update Lookup hash.

def lookup
    full_name: 'Full Name', first_name: 'First Name', last_name: 'Last Name', created_at: 'Generation Date', status: 'Status'

Calling titalize on the attributes array should help you achieve what your aiming for.

def self.to_csv
  CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
    csv << lookup.values
    all.each do |lead|
      csv << lookup.keys.map { |attr| lead.send(attr) }

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