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Print CSV headers in bold text in Rails

My CSV is getting generated totally correct. I want to print the CSV headers bold. Is there any way to print them in bold.

My code that prints the simple CSV.

<%= CSV.generate do |csv|

    csv << ["REF", "Customer Name", "Property Address", "Moving Date", "Mobile Phone", "Operator", "Status"]
    @results.each do |result|
        csv << [result.id, result.customer_name, result.address_label, result.moving_date.strftime("%b %d, %Y"), "", result.operator.try(:name), result.status ]


Thanks in advance!!

this can't be done; CSV is a text plain format.

So you will need another file type document to do this.

I used a gem called ' axlsx_rails ' to help out and its really simple

example of my controller

class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @products = Product.order('created_at DESC')
    respond_to do |format|
      format.xlsx {
        response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="all_products.xlsx"'

example of my xlsx view

wb = xlsx_package.workbook
wb.styles do |style|
  header_cell = style.add_style(b: true)

  wb.add_worksheet(name: "Products") do |sheet|
    sheet.add_row ["Title", "Price"], :style=>[header_cell, header_cell]
    @products.each do |product|
     sheet.add_row [product.title, product.price]

link to that view

<%= link_to 'Download as .xlsx', products_path(format: :xlsx) %>

if you want to see the sample code in action I created a git repo where you can see all I did https://github.com/mzaragoza/sample_exporting_xls

Hope that this helps

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