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Shell Script to parse JTL/XML file to know if a specific node has a value

I have a JTL file which I need to parse to know if a node named < failure> has true , as its value.

I need to call a script file which should be able to make this decision in a if condition, based on which I need to do other actions. How do I implement the parsing of JTL/XML to know if a failure-true exists or not?

This JTL file has a lot of < failure> nodes in it.

Edit: I may be constructing all this wrong. All am trying is a shell script which will do a specific action if the JTL file it parsed has a node < failure> with value as true .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testResults version="1.2">
<httpSample t="153" lt="152" ts="1434726402307" s="true" lb="xyz" dt="text" by="14"/>
<httpSample t="169" lt="169" ts="1434726402603" s="true" lb="asdasd" dt="text" by="471">
<name>Response Assertion</name>

And so it continues

grep for <failure>true</failure> in the .jtl file.

if grep -q <failure>true</failure> file.jtl; then
    echo found
    echo not found

If you do not care about which node has the value then this can be accomplished with grep.

if grep -q '<failure>true<\/failure>' jmeter-test.jtl ;then
   echo "FAILURE"

The safe way to do this is with an XML-aware tool:

failure=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//assertionResult/failure' -v . -n <jmeter-test.jtl)
if [[ $failure = true ]]; then
  echo "failed"
  echo "success"

Unlike the naive grep approach, this only recognizes failure if it's in the right place -- under an assertionResult and not in a comment, not in text taken from a program's output, etc.

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