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Push to arrays into madrill JSON array

I have a form which has the fields recipient and email. The user has the option to add more recipients.

<div class=" form-inline">
    <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Your Recipients</label>
        var counter = 1;
var limit = 50;
function addInput(divName){
     if (counter == limit)  {
          alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs");
     else {
          var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
          newdiv.innerHTML =  "<br>  <input  class='form-control reciptest' placeholder='Recipient Name' type='text'> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<input  class='form-control emailtest' placeholder='Recipient Email' type='text'>"
    <div id="dynamicInput">
  <input  class='form-control reciptest' placeholder='Recipient Name'  type='text'> <input type="text" class="form-control emailtest" placeholder="Recipient Email">
       <input type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-inverse" value="Add Another Email" onClick="addInput('dynamicInput');">


Inside the email processing function the inputs of the two classes are split into an array like this

var emails = document.getElementsByClassName( 'emailtest' ),
    email  = [].map.call(emails, function( email ) {
        return email.value;
    }).join( ',' );

var names = document.getElementsByClassName( 'reciptest' ),
    rname  = [].map.call(names, function( rname ) {
        return rname.value;
    }).join( ',' ); 

Here is where my problem lies

This code currently works to push the emails into the array,but I am unable to add the recipients email into the array

var to =[]; 
email.split(',').forEach(function(k){ to.push ( {email:k, type:'to'});     
rname.split(',').forEach(function(r){ to.push ( {email:k, type:'to', name:'r'});

How do i go about merging these two arrays and keeping them in the order it was entered ?

According to your code, you seem to try to merge both emails and recipient names in to the array to . So, you may try this:

var to =[]; 
var emails = email.split(',');
var rnames = rname.split(',');
    var recipient = {email: em, type: 'to', name: null};
    if (rnames.length>i)
        recipient.name = rnames[i];


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