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Putting resource identifiers into xml Array

In the first case, how do I put the the R.string resource identifier number into an integer array.

In the second case, how do I instead put the number associated with the R.integer resource identifier into the array.




Using android studio if that makes any difference.

It appears one answer is to load the xml as a typed-array if you want to load just resource identifiers, and to load it as an integer-array if you want to load just resolved ints. You don't have to change the type of array in your xml, you can just leave it as a generic "array" as I've done in the tests


//Test 1

    int[] intArray= getActivity().getResources().getIntArray(R.array.testArray);
    Log.d("MyInts", "IntArray = " + Arrays.toString(intArray));

    06-26 16:31:02.826  12952-12952/... D/MyInts﹕ IntArray = [0, 32]


Due Credit: http://www.anddev.org/xml_integer_array_resource_references_getintarray-t9268.html

    TypedArray typedArray=   getActivity().getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.testArray);

    for(int i=0; i<typedArray.length(); i++){
        int id = typedArray.getResourceId(i, 0);
        Log.d("MyInts", "MyInts: " + id);

06-26 16:31:02.826  12952-12952/... D/MyInts﹕ MyInts: 2131165274
06-26 16:31:02.826  12952-12952/... D/MyInts﹕ MyInts: 2131427334

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