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parsing html attributes of tag javascript

I ran into the following situation and am not able to figure out the solution, i am new to javascript, and I tried to search the internet, but couldn't find a viable solution. 1) I want to get attributes of the tag queried for. For example if I have a tag as follows

<a href = "pqr/dl/"> docName </a>

how do I get the value of href? By doing


I can get only the value of the tag, ie, "docName" by doing this.

2) How do I query for the "img" tag? I have an image tag as follows

<img src = "/icons/alpha.gif" alt="[DIR]">

if I do


it is printing "null" on the console. I need the values of src and alt.

Thanks in advance

You need to use the method Element.getAttribute(). See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getAttribute

var href = el.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].childNodes[0].getAttribute("href");
var src = el.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].childNodes[0].getAttribute("src");
var alt = el.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].childNodes[0].getAttribute("alt");

you can use getAttribute() method.

 var href = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("href"); var scr = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("src"); var alt = document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].getAttribute("alt"); alert('href:' +href+' scr:'+scr+' alt:'+alt); 
 <a href = "pqr/dl/"> docName </a> <img src = "/icons/alpha.gif" alt="[DIR]"> 



and for image:


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