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Paramiko SSH set environment variable using python

I am using Paramiko to send an ssh command to a remote Windows Server, which works, BUT I need to set an environment variable first which sets a password for the main command to use. So on the Windows Server command line I use:

$ set ASPERA_SCP_PASS=passwordToUse
$ ascp -d --src-base=//DirectoryToSend //DirectoryToSend username@

This sets an environment variable passwordToUse which gets used in the ascp command. But I can't get this working with Paramiko. When running the below script I get exit status: 0 , but the command does not run on the remote server.

import sys
import paramiko

nbytes = 4096
hostname = ''
port = 22
username = 'remoteUsername' 
password = 'remotePassword'
command1 = 'set ASPERA_SCP_PASS={}'.format('passwordToUse')
command2 = 'ascp -d --src-base=//DirectoryToSend //DirectoryToSend username@'
command3 = command1 + ", " + command2

client = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port))
client.connect(username=username, password=password)

stdout_data = []
stderr_data = []
session = client.open_channel(kind='session')
while True:
    if session.recv_ready():
    if session.recv_stderr_ready():
    if session.exit_status_ready():

print 'exit status: ', session.recv_exit_status()
print ''.join(stdout_data)
print ''.join(stderr_data)



command1 = 'set ASPERA_SCP_PASS={}'.format(os.environ['ASPERA_SCP_PASS'])

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