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Java 2D Array Search Not Working

This program is supposed to return the location of a piece on a board.The board is being represented as a 2D array. The loop simply cycles through the columns and then if the piece is still not found it goes to the next row. However,only the [-1,-1] array is being returned( no pieces are being found). I have not been able to find the error on my own, so any help

public int[] pieceFinder(int piece) {

    int[][] board={{43,44,45,50,47,48,49},

    int row=0;  
    boolean found=false;
    int[] location={-1,-1} ;  

    for(int column=0;found==true;column++) {
        if(board[row][column]==piece) {
            found=true ;

        else if(column==6) {
            if(row==6) { 

        else {
    return location;
boolean found=false;
for(int column=0;found==true;column++){

As you can see found is false. And for loop checks for true value for found. It will never enter the loop. That's why locations gets returned as it is.

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