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1 to many relationship in Parse.com using Python Restful API

I am using Parse to build my database.

I have two tables: Article & Comment . Where Article has one or many Comments

I am using Parse Resful API [ParsePy][1] to add items

from parse_rest.datatypes import Object

class Article(Object):
class Comment(Object):

articleItem = Article(title='Test', author='John Doe')
articleItem.save() # we have to save it before it can be referenced

I don't know how to achieve this 1:N relationship, Can anyone show a way to make this:

from parse_rest.datatypes import Object

class Article(Object):
class Comment(Object):

articleItem = Article(title='Test', author='John Doe')
# for example, you get data from json
comments = []
for data in incoming_json['comments']:
    # Don't know why, but this cannot working [Comments(**data).save() for data in incoming_json['comments]]
    comment = Comments(**data)
articleItem.comments = comments
articleItem.save() # we have to save it before it can be referenced

If you get query, you will receive:

[<Comments:v6PvbsPbQT>, <Comments:V5JpqPRuS6>, <Comments:HNocXqmUeJ>,]

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