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Creating App using Parse.com REST API in Python

Trying to create an app using Parse.com REST API in Python, I have used the code detailed in the REST guide and adjusted a couple of things based on previous errors I received, however this one I'm really not sure where to go with:

import json,httplib
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('api.parse.com', 443)
connection.request('POST', '/1/apps', json.dumps("{'appName':'my new app','clientClassCreationEnabled':false}"), {
       "X-Parse-Email": "EMAIL",
       "X-Parse-Password": "PASSWORD",
       "Content-Type": "application/json"
result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read())

I'm getting the following error:

{u'code': 256, u'error': u'App name is required to create a new app'}

Does anybody know a solution for this or where I might be going wrong? I haven't been able to find anything.


you should pass dict to json.dumps , not a string

import json,httplib
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('api.parse.com', 443)
connection.request('POST', '/1/apps', json.dumps({'appName':'my new app','clientClassCreationEnabled':False}), {
   "X-Parse-Email": "EMAIL",
   "X-Parse-Password": "PASSWORD",
   "Content-Type": "application/json"
result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read())

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