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Run a script from root and it calls another script that was in the sudo oracle. how to do that without asking the password of the oracle

I'm logging into a linux machine with root and after login i have used su - oracle to connect my database. Now I've 2 shell scripts one at root home and one at home/oracle. In the home/oracle I've wrote a script for taking the backup of the database. The script available in the root is nohup ssh oracle@onprem-svcdb /home/oracle/test.sh while running the script its asking the password of the oracle, I don't need it to be like this while running the scripts It doesn't need to ask the password and it needs to run the script in oracle. What I need to do for that??? Can anyone help for this

If I understand corrently, you are getting a password prompt on using a script which connects to your database and executes something. If you dont need a password prompt , you would need to generate public and private keys for ssh for the logged in user , in your linux machine and get it configured in the database. Please have a look at the below link


You can try the below

Let this be you env variables.
---------VARIABLES --------------
export APP_USER=something
export APP_PASS=somepass
export APP_SID=sid

Here is the script with a execute permission.

--------------SCRIPT TO RUN SQL----------
sqlplus << END_OF_SQL

select * from dual;
exit $?
----------END SCRIPT----------

Source : https://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:142212348066

you could try expect tool:

You will start expect script below, that will start your main sql-script in return and will send oracle password if prompted:

content of /tmp/expect.exp script:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# set Variables
set password '***'
set timeout -1

# what to execute
spawn /usr/bin/su oracle -c "/tmp/main_script.sh"
match_max 100000

# Look for passwod prompt
while {1 > 0 } {
expect "*?assword:*"

# Send password aka $password
send -- "$password\r"

# send blank line (\r) to make sure we get back to gui
send -- "\r"
expect eof

than your main script will be stored in (or root home, whatever dir you need):

/tmp/main_script.sh content:
su - oracle
drop table; create table; other SQL commands

One disadvantage is - plain text password, stored inside the script

How to install: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/execute-commands-on-multiple-hosts-using-expect-tool-part-iii.html

Or you could try to modify visudo , like :

user1    ALL=(user2) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash

where : user1 will be granted "su to user2" without password prompt. You can replace also /bin/bash by ALL and then you could launch any command as user2

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