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Can't send message from python server to java client

I try to create a client/server application between my Raspberry Pi (server in Python) and a java Client over my local network.

I can't figure out how to send message from the Python server to the Java client. I always have the error : [Errno 32] Broken pipe.

I can't seen where I'm wrong.

Here the Server code :

class ServerLED():

def __init__(self, port = 15555):
    self.socketPi = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    self.socketPi.bind(("", port))
    self.response = ""

def listening(self):
    self.client, self.address = self.socketPi.accept()
    print "{} connected".format( self.address )

def receivingMessage(self):
    self.response = self.client.recv(1024)
    if self.response != "":
            print self.response

def answer(self):
    messageTosend = "Echo \r\n"
    except socket.error, e:
        print "error is ", e

I use the function this way :

socketPi = Server.ServerLED()
print "listening..."
print "sending message..."
print "done"

On the client side (in JAVA) :

Socket socket = new Socket("", 15555);
System.out.println("SOCKET = " + socket);

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
str = in.readLine();      // Reding "ECHO"


out.println("Hello");          // sending message

I'm always stuck in the first "send()" of the server. If I start by sending a message from the client to the server, the server reads it but fails to respond.

Server output :

Start python for LED
('', 58774) connected
sending message...
error is  [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Does someone know where I am wrong ? Thanks a lot.



One problem is that the Socket you create in java isn't bind , that is - the Socket object is just created, but not opened waiting for the raspberry pi incoming socket connection.

Add the row

socket.bind(new java.net.InetSocketAddress("", 15555));

after the socket is created. The address in the Socket constructor is probably not nescessary.

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