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Query by empty JsonField in django

I need to query a model by a JsonField , I want to get all records that have empty value ([]):

I used MyModel.objects.filter(myjsonfield=[]) but it's not working, it returns 0 result though there's records having myjsonfield=[]

Use the dunder __exact for this. The __isnull=True does not work because the JSONField is technically not null.

MyModel entries where myjsonfield is empty:


MyModel entries where myjsonfield is not empty:



I believe if you've set the default=dict in your model then you should use {} (eg: myjsonfield__exact={} ) instead of [] but I haven't tested this.

JSONfield 应该是default={}即字典,而不是列表。

  1. Firstly, Django actually recommends that you declare JSONField with immutable/callable default values. For your example:

     class MyModel(models.Model): myjsonfield = models.JSONField(null=True, default=list)
  2. Secondly, to query by null JSONField:


    To query for fields having default value ( [] in your case):


See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/topics/db/queries/#querying-jsonfield for more details and examples.


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