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Bind data to grid view from different sources

I have gridview in my asp.net page, the get the data after page_load from the database directly.

        string sqlSelect = "SELECT *  FROM users";
        SqlCommand obj_Cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlSelect, con2);

        SqlDataReader obj_Reader = obj_Cmd.ExecuteReader();

        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        while (obj_Reader.Read())
            DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
            row["Id"] = obj_Reader["Id"];
            row["Name"] = obj_Reader["Name"];
        GridView1.DataSource = dt;

and thats work fine, the gridview load the data, in the same page i have another datasource that should displayed in the gridview. the user can enter another name and it must be shown in the gridview with out deleting what exist.

        GridView1.DataSource = tableInsertedFromUsers;

what happend, when the user inserting another name (access the second datasource) every thing in the gridview deleted, and just displayed the second datasource and not the first.

i want to show both of them in the gridview.

any idea ? please help me.

Thank you

Declare a variable var first and store GridView1.DataSource . Then declare a second variable var to store the second datasource. Add them together into one datasource and bind the grid with this final datasource. And how to save result of a query in a variable, read this How to get SQL result saved into a C# variable?

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