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Bind Data Grid View from two tables using Entity framework

I am working on a Windows Forms Application and am using C#, entity framework. i have two tables in database battalion and brigtype. REALATION BETWEEN THEM USING ID.

i am trying to show those two tables in data grid view but one of them only appears. Here is the code I tried: '''

 private void PopulateDataGridView()
        using (Data.battdbEntities db = new Data.battdbEntities())
            dgv.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
            dgv.DataSource = db.battalions.ToList();


Currently you are only binding battalions to DataSource . In order to have brigtype data on the relation ID as you mentioned you need to join them on ID column:

dataGridView1.DataSource = (from s in db.battalions
                            join c in db.brigtypes on s.ID equals c.ID  
                            //where condtion if any                                             
                            select new
                                //Column list here

OR Documentation

dataGridView1.DataSource =     db.battalions.Join(
                               battalion => battalion.ID,
                               brigtype => brigtype.ID,
                               (battalion, brigtype) => new
                                   //Your columns here

If your DBContext battdbEntities has not added the brigtypes then you have to add that table also to context some thing like below -

How to add table in Entity Framework?

Why don't you try to make View and bind the data in gridview.


Try this.

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