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Trouble with type inference in writing generic extension method

I really hate sometimes how IDictionary<TKey, TValue> [key] will throw an exception if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary.

Of course there is TryGetValue() , but that seems to have been optimized for performance and not usability.

So I thought, oh I'll just make an extension method for it - which I did :

public static class CollectionExtensions
    public static TType GetValueOrDefault<TKeyType, TValue, TType>(this IDictionary<TKeyType, TType> dictionary, TKeyType key)
        TType value = default(TType);

        // attempt to get the value of the key from the dictionary
        // if the key doesn't exist just return null
        if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
            return value;
            return default(TType);

This works fine EXCEPT I cannot seem to get type inference working.

Obviously I want to be able to do the following :

var extraDataLookup = new Dictionary<string, string>();
extraDataLookup["zipcode"] = model.Zipcode; 

and then be able to access the value :

var zipcode = extraDataLookup.GetValueOrDefault("zipcode");
var foo = extraDataLookup.GetValueOrDefault("foo"); // should be null

I've looked at a few things about type inference, inlucing Jon Skeet's article and even sourcecode to System.Linq.Enumerable in reflector but seem to be missing something.

This works :

extraDataLookup.GetValueOrDefault<string, string,string> ("foo") 

but this doesn't

extraDataLookup.GetValueOrDefault ("foo") 

What should I be doing.

PS. I'm only looking for solutions to the generic type inference problem, not any other suggestions. Thanks.

You seem to be defining your extension method with three generic types when you only need two. "TValue" and "TType" mean the same thing, don't they? Try this:

public static TValue GetValueOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(
    this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key)
    TValue value;
    // attempt to get the value of the key from the dictionary
    dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value);
    return value;

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