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How can I enable/activate a radio button after a button is clicked?

Using a jFrame in Java and I have a set of radio buttons however I want these radio buttons to be activated once I have selected a certain button. What's the simplest way to do this? Thanks

  1. Keep the radio buttons disabled initially.
  2. Add an ActionListener to the button.
  3. Implement actionPerformed() to enable the radio buttons.

Here is the Oracle tutorial .
Here is the TutorialsPoint tutorial .

This is small example to disable radio buttons.

    JButton button = new JButton("Click");
    JRadioButton one= new JRadioButton("one");
    JRadioButton two= new JRadioButton("two");
    JRadioButton three = new JRadioButton("three");


      //Group the radio buttons.
      ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();

    //Add action listener to button
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     // enable radion buttons.


This is a demo idea how this thing working. This is just a basic demo. Button and radio buttons generated. And when click button you can enable them.

01. Generate button and three radio buttons to jframe.
02. Generate button-group and add those radio buttons.
03. In buttons action listener add that " enable radio button " code.

This link will be really helpful to you. Take a good look at that.
You tube link

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