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Not able to push into array from subroutine in perl

I am using multithread and want to push local time of each thread into array. I can print to localtime from thread successfully, but it wont push time into array. Printing array is not giving blank.

Please check.

My code:

use threads;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my @arr=();
my $num_of_threads = 2;
my @threads = initThreads();

         $_ = threads->create(\&doOperation);


         print "$_\n";

sub initThreads{
            my @initThreads;
            for(my $i = 1;$i<=$num_of_threads;$i++){
            return @initThreads;

sub doOperation{
        ##doing my main operation here
        my $a=localtime();
        print "$a\n";

You can use threads::shared which enables you to share variables among threads,

use threads;
use threads::shared;

my @arr :shared;
# ...

sub doOperation {

    my $a = localtime();
    print "$a\n";
      lock(@arr);    # advisory exclusive lock for variable
    }                # lock get released when going out of scope

Threads don't share variables. See threads::shared .

use threads;
use threads::shared;
my @arr :shared;

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