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How to translate a Solr query into Elasticsearch

I'm trying to express this Solr (Lucene) query in Elastic Search, but I'm not sure how:

q=field1:"value1"^10 OR field2:("value2a"^20 OR "value2b"^30)

Is there a way to simply pass a Lucene query to ES, so I don't need to first translate it?

It's definitely possible to pass a Lucene query into Elasticsearch using a query_string query. Something like this should be plausible:

GET /_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "field1:\"value1\"^10 OR field2:(\"value2a\"^20 OR \"value2b\"^30)"

You can also use aggregations to mimic your field collapsing: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/top-hits.html

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