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Translate a python dict into a Solr query string

I'm just getting started with Python, and I'm stuck on the syntax that I need to convert a set of request.POST parameters to Solr's query syntax.

The use case is a form defined like this:

class SearchForm(forms.Form):
    text = forms.CharField()
    metadata = forms.CharField()
    figures = forms.CharField()

Upon submission, the form needs to generate a url-encoded string to pass to a URL client that looks like this:


Seems like there should be a simple way to do this. The closest I can get is

for f, v in request.POST.iteritems():
   if v:
       qstring += u'%s\u003A%s+and+' % (f,v)

However in that case the colon (\:) generates a Solr error because it is not getting encoded properly.

What is the clean way to do this?


I would recommend creating a function in the form to handle this rather than in the view. So after you call form.isValid() to ensure the data is acceptable. You can invoke a form.generateSolrQuery() (or whatever name you would like).

class SearchForm(forms.Form):
  text = forms.CharField()
  metadata = forms.CharField()
  figures = forms.CharField()

  def generateSolrQuery(self):
    return "+and+".join(["%s\u003A%s" % (f,v) for f,v in self.cleaned_data.items()])

Isn't u'\:' simply the same as u':' , which is escaped in URLs as %3A ?

qstring = '+AND+'.join(
    [ u'%s%%3A%s'%(f,v) for f,v in request.POST.iteritems() if f]

Use django-haystack . It takes care of all the interfacing with Solr - both indexing and querying.

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