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Add external root folder with subfolders for resources for each app to tomcat (classpath)

I created folder resources in %TOMCAT_HOME% for static resources (*.xml, *.properties, etc...).

The deploy of my app (app1) create in %TOMCAT_HOME%/resources the folder app1-resources with the own files *.xml, *.properties... of my app1.

In %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/catalina.properties I added:


But when I access to any file with the classpath:




It fail!!! Because not found resources...

If I change the configuration to:


And change the access to those to:




It works.

My problem is if I deploy more than one app in the same tomcat, I want to access to the resources of each app independently. For example:


  • In java: classpath:app1-resources/config.xml
  • I create a folder for the resources of my app1: %TOMCAT_HOME%/resources/app1-resources/config.xml


  • In java: classpath:app2-resources/config.xml
  • I create a folder for the resources of my app2: %TOMCAT_HOME%/resources/app2-resources/config.xml

My question is: Can I specify a root directory which my resources lies underneath it (in a custom folder for each app)?

Anybody can solve my problem?

Thanks in advance.


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