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qt serial communication, readyRead not emitted

I'm communicating with a CameraLink camera using the CameraLink internal virtual COM-Port. I wrote the following code:

serial=new QSerialPort(this);

QString comm=QString("r gwbr\r"); //read red channel gain

QString comm=QString("r gwbb\r"); //read blue channel gain

... more serial commands

The readFPN function does nothing by now except appending the data read to a QByteArray:

void ts4control_calibrationdialog::readFPN()

But the readFPN-function is never called. I set a breakpoint and the program steps over the write commands without calling the callback. The general communication with the device works in a COM-Port-terminal using the above settings.

What do I have to change to have the signal emitted? Or how can I find out why it isn't working? Any debugging-ideas?


I had the same problem, read this, read a couple of other useless (for my case ) things, and then it finally ocurred to me, to look at one of the examples Qt provides abour QSerialPort (called terminal), in wich i saw the "connect" line was written differently Instead of:


It would be:

connect( serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &ts4control_calibrationdialog::readFPN );

I'm pretty much a noob, but i hope this works for you!

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