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In JS, how do I catch errors thrown by user-defined functions' asynchronous calls?

I'm writing a library that takes user-defined functions. I don't have control over what they do, but I want to catch all errors that they cause.

They might also make asynchronous calls like setTimeout , which might throw Errors. I want to catch those errors too.

For example—

// Suppose this is passed as an argument to the module
var userFunction = function() {
    setTimeout(function() { throw Error("fail") }, 200);

// This is module code
try {
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Caught error");

—fails with an error and prints a stack trace. The catch doesn't trigger.

I can see how this happens: The error is thrown from the function passed to setTimeout , which is called after the try - catch has passed, in a different context.

How do I work with that? Is it even possible?

If given a function that might call setTimeout or other asynchronous processes within it, how can I catch errors they might throw?

You can use window.onerror to catch all error

 try { setTimeout(function() { throw Error("fail") }, 2000); } catch (e) { console.log("Caught"); } window.onerror = function (){ document.body.innerHTML = "Test"; } 

or you can use try catch inside async method

setTimeout(function() {
       try {
          throw Error("fail");
       } catch (e) {
    }, 2000);

You can use Promises.

With jQuery, something like:

var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();

setTimeout(function() {
  dfd.reject("some error msg");
}, 1000);

$.then(dfd.promise()).then(function() {
//blank, this is success callback
}, function(msg) {
//throw your error

Full doc: https://api.jquery.com/deferred.promise/

EDIT: can use any Promise implementation. Such as kriswowal/q https://github.com/kriskowal/q

You don't need to include jQuery. You can use javascripts built in Promise object:


you have:

y = x;

x returns a promise:

function() {
    return promise;

All of the asynchronous calls in x are layered:

x is last async handler:

x = function () {
    // a is second to last async success handler etc..
    var j = new Promise (a);

    j.then(function() {
        // a returned resolve
        if (some successful condition) {
            resolve(what ever arguments you want to pass y);
        } else {
           reject(what ever arguments you want to pass y);
        function (e) {
            // error returned by a
    return j;

then you can do:

y.then(function() {},
    function() {

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