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change raspberry pi date from php

I have a problem trying change date in rpi from php. If I write:

shell_exec('sudo date --set="15 NOV 2015 12:43:10"');

I don't get any feedback, output is "" , but if I execute

shell_exec('date --set="15 NOV 2015 12:43:10"');

I recived

15 NOV 2015 12:43:10

as output but nothing change in rpi

I added www-data to sudoers with visudo command, and add


but it didn't worked.

I've tried

chmod 777 /bin/date, 

nothing.. I try make .sh file with command and run with and without sudo.. same result.

Any idea? Thanks to all!

PS.Sorry for my english

我解决了我的问题...使用命令adduser www-data sudo将其添加到sudo组中并重新执行我的第一个直观的cmd sudo date --set ...运行正常!

$sys_date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("2015-12-02"));
$sys_time ="08:00:00";
$sys_datetime = $sys_date." ".$sys_time;
$sys_datetime =strtotime($sys_datetime);
$date = gmdate('D M d H:i:s e Y', $sys_datetime);
shell_exec("sudo date -s \"$date\"");

works for me..........

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