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Parse string using regex in PHP

I had like to pass the following string via Regex to extract the domain name and the numeric value next to ms.

stackoverflow.com : [0], 96 bytes, 223 ms (223 avg, 0% loss)

I need:

stackoverflow.com , 223

Any help will be much appreciated.

Use following regex :



  1. () : Capturing group
  2. \\w+ : Match any alphanumeric characters any number of times
  3. \\. : Match . literal
  4. [a-zA-Z]{2,3} : Match the two or three alphabets
  5. .+? : Matches any characters except linebreak
  6. \\d+ : Matches any number of digits

RegEx101 Demo

the following seems to work

(\w+\.\w+) : .*, ([0-9]+) ms

Tested here

Try this:


Should work.

Demo: https://regex101.com/r/qI0xN6/1

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