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check the dataset for null values

i want to check all my data set for null values and replace them. in order to do it i wrote this code:

public static DataSet Validator(DataSet dataSet)
    foreach (DataTable dataTable in dataSet.Tables)
    foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)
    foreach (DataColumn dataDataColumn in dataTable.Columns)
    if (dataRow[dataDataColumn] == DBNull.Value)
        if (dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(string)) 
            dataRow[dataDataColumn] = "";
        else if (dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
            dataRow[dataDataColumn] = DateTime.MinValue;
        else if (dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(int) ||
                 dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(short) ||
                 dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(long) ||
                 dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(float) ||
                 dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(byte) ||
                 dataRow[dataDataColumn].GetType() == typeof(double)) 
            dataRow[dataDataColumn] = 0;

    return dataSet;

but it doesn't work!. where is the problem? and if there is a better way i really appreciated to let me know. Thank you.

UPDATE but it doesn't work!. still there is null values in the dataset.

When you run


you call GetType() on the value of dataRow[dataDataColumn] , which is always DBNull.value . So you always get the type DBNull .

Check for dataDataColumn.DataType instead, which will return the actual datatype of the column.

You could use something like:

public static DataSet Validator(DataSet dataSet)
    foreach (DataTable dataTable in dataSet.Tables)
        foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)
            foreach (DataColumn dataDataColumn in dataTable.Columns)
                if (dataRow.IsNull(dataDataColumn))
                    dataRow[dataDataColumn] = GetDefaultValue(dataDataColumn.DataType);

    return dataSet;

static object GetDefaultValue(Type t)
    // get the default value for value types
    if (t.IsValueType)
        return Activator.CreateInstance(t);

    // in case of a string, we want an empty one instead of null
    if (t == typeof(string))
        return String.Empty;

    return null;

You are using DBNull.Value to check for null values, try testing it against Null as well.

There is a difference between DBNull.Value and Null as previously explained here What is the difference between null and System.DBNull.Value?

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