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Collada Loader in Three.js does not load a scene of a few objects

I'm quite new in Three.js, but the question is not trivial.

I have a Collada scene in DAE format, which in fact contains links to another DAE-files. It looks like this inside of this "parent" file:

<visual_scene id="TheScene" name="TheScene">
  <node id="DesignTransform1" name="DesignTransform1" type="NODE">
    <matrix>0.87811053 0.46947187 0.0922935 19.499561 -0.46690002
  0.88294739 -0.04907337 98.835884 -0.10452887 0 0.99452192 0.28129196 
  0 0 0 1</matrix>
    <instance_node url="./first_dae/first_dae.dae"/>
  <node id="DesignTransform2" name="DesignTransform2" type="NODE">
    <instance_node url="./second_dae/second_dae.dae"/>
<instance_visual_scene url="#TheScene"/>

This scene can be opened with desktop software without any problems. But when I try to load this Collada with Three.js Collada Loader it displays nothing. The same code works nice for ordinary Collada files, which do not have links to another DAE-files.

The loader looks like this:

var mesh;
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.options.centerGeometry = true;
loader.load("parent_dae.dae", function (result) {
mesh = result.scene;

The question is: "Does Three.js Collada Loader supports such DAE files, containing links to another DAE-files? If it does, what could be wrong with my code?"

I've opened an issue with three.js and got the answer, that Three currently does not support such files. The question is closed.

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