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Issues with OleDB Conn String and VB.net

I'm getting an Data type mismatch in criteria expression error when I run the following statement, I've picked it apart and cant for the life of me see where it's going wrong ! Likely due to my beginner level of knowledge, but it's to the best of my ability!

Here's my code ;

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim UserName As String
    UserName = System.Environment.UserName
    Dim Month = Date.Now.ToString("MM")
    Dim CS As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnCIM")
    Dim Table As New DataTable
    Dim Adapt As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [LoginName], [DisplayName], [Date], [SessionID], [The wait time was acceptable] , [The length of the chat session was appropriate] , [Professionalism of the agent] , [Effectiveness of the response] , [Overall opinion of the chat service] , [Related Comments] , [Not Resolved Comments] FROM [Chat_Dump] WHERE (([LoginName] = @UserName) AND ([Date] = @Month))", CS.ToString())
    Adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", Textbox1.text)
    Adapt.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Month", TextBox2.Text)

    TextBox2.Text = Month


    GridView1.DataSource = Table

End Sub 

The textbox's are there for testing only,textbox 1 gets replaced with UserName and I want textbox2 to be replaced by Month.

In short, I have a table of data that when each user views, I want it to pull their username from domain login and display their records for the current month.

Thanks! and sorry for my low level of knowledge!

If [Date] is a DATETIME you need to extract the month from it, then compare to your month value.

... AND MONTH([Date]) = @Month

(The integer DateTime.Now.Month is a better choice that ToString("MM") )

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