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Transferring data from postgres to rabbitmq

I am quiet new to rabbitmq and currently trying to install Postgres listen exchange plugin at: https://github.com/aweber/pgsql-listen-exchange

I tried following the instructions listed there but i am getting following errors:

/bin/sh: escript: command not found

make[1]: *** [deps.mk] Error 127

make: *** [../rabbitmq-server/dist/.done.0.0.0] Error 2

I am currently working on Mac, not sure if it is because of i missing some essential libraries.

If you want just install the plugin you have to:

  1. Download the package here https://github.com/aweber/pgsql-listen-exchange/releases and exactly this https://github.com/aweber/pgsql-listen-exchange/releases/download/0.3.0-v3.5.x/pgsql-listen-exchange-0.3.0-v3.5.x.zip
  2. Extract the zip and copy the files into the rabbitmq plug-in directory, usually this : rabbitmq_server-3.5.4/plugins
  3. After that execute sudo ./rabbitmq-plugins enable pgsql_listen_exchange , and as result you should have:
 The following plugins have been enabled: epgsql pgsql_listen_exchange 

you are trying to rebuild the package, but if you want just use it, you don't need to rebuild it.

hope it helps

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