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Why is my Postgres cursor running out of memory?

I have a huge table that I'm trying to stream out to a file. However it seems that no matter what I try, Postgres is trying to pull all the data at once and running out of memory. I've read many posts here and elsewhere and I think I'm doing this "right", so why do I keep running out of memory?

Here's my code:

        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword);


        Statement ps = conn.createStatement(


        String sql = "SELECT * FROM BIGTABLE "
             + "WHERE '20150401' BETWEEN startdate AND enddate";

        ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(sql);

        writeResultSet(os, rs);

The code never gets past the query execution before running out of memory.

In case it matters, this is happening in a separate thread while streaming to an open ZipOutputStream. At this point, one item has already been streamed out and I never get to the point where I can stream out this table.

I'm working with Postgres 9.3.5, and currently limiting the VM to 128MB for testing. While I could increase the heap size, I still think I shouldn't be running into this issue.

[jsyk, I've stripped out try/catch blocks and the like for clarity.]


This setting asks for a holdable cursor, which is implemented client-side for Postgresql. Postgresql itself does not support native holdable cursors over the protocol used by JDBC (the Frontend/Backend protocol). Related post:


Note also that even the native holdable cursor has O(n) space requirement, but it will allocate in on disk.

However, by looking at your code I see no reason why you would need a holdable cursor.

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