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MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=application/json

I'm making a small RESTful service using Jetty. Using Maven as the build tool.

When I try to call a GET method that tries to access a JSON representation of an object, I get an "MessageBodyWriter" error. The method in question is as follows,

public class GtfsRtFeed {

    public Response getGtfsRtFeed(){

        GtfsRtFeedModel feedInfo = new GtfsRtFeedModel();
        Gson gson = new Gson();

        return Response.ok(feedInfo).build();

The GtfsRtFeedModel for the GtfsRtFeedModel is as follows,

public class GtfsRtFeedModel {
    private String gtfsUrl;
    private int gtfsId;
    private long startTime;

    public GtfsRtFeedModel(){}

    public String getGtfsUrl() {
        return gtfsUrl;
    ...//Getters and setters for all private variables below

My Maven file includes the following along with the jetty dependencies,





Most of the similar questions seems to have been resolved by adding jersey-media-moxy and the required dependencies. But since I've already have them on my maven file, I can't figure out what I'm missing.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: Jetty code added My Jetty code is as follows,

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
    Datasource ds = Datasource.getInstance();

    Server server = new Server(8080);
    ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler();


    context.addServlet(RTFeedValidatorServlet.class, "/validate");
    context.addServlet(GTFSDownloaderServlet.class, "/downloadgtfs");
    context.addServlet(FeedInfoServlet.class, "/feedInfo");
    context.addServlet(TriggerBackgroundServlet.class, "/startBackground");
    context.addServlet(GetFeedJSON.class, "/getFeed");

    context.addServlet(DefaultServlet.class, "/");

    ServletHolder jerseyServlet = context.addServlet(org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.class, "/api/*");
    jerseyServlet.setInitParameter("jersey.config.server.provider.packages", "edu.usf.cutr.gtfsrtvalidator.api.resource");


Normally the auto-discoverable feature registers the MoxyJsonFeature . I am not sure how it works wit the embedded Jetty. But if it is not register, we can register it ourselves. There is an <init-param> that allows us to add a arbitrary number of providers, separated by a comma. In a web.xml it would be


So in your Jetty code, you could do


The MoxyJsonFeature registers the MessageBodyWriter and MessageBodyReader required to marshal and unmarshal our POJOS to and from JSON. See more at JAX-RS Entity Providers , and continued in Support for Common Media Type Representations

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