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Laravel 5.1: sendOutputTo() truncating log file?

When using the task scheduler in Laravel 5.1 I am redirecting command output to a log file. It is working as expected except for the fact that it is truncating the log file before it writes, every time.

This does not for a very useful log file make.

$schedule->command('queue:work')->everyMinute()->sendOutputTo(storage_path() . "/logs/mail.log");

I can't find anything about preventing this truncation in the laravel docs .

Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior?

In Laravel 5.3 they added the option appendOutputTo() who does the job. Much easier :)


see it in documentation appendOutputTo in documentation

You can not do this with Event class. This will help:

$schedule->command('queue:work')->everyMinute()->sendOutputTo(storage_path() . "/logs/mail.recent");
File::append(storage_path() . "/logs/mail.log", File::get(storage_path() . "/logs/mail.recent"));

Not very beautifull but the only way as i know. Also dont forget to add use File; to the top

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