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PHP regex to replace links with some tokens

I'm looking at some HTML that has embedded audio-playback links like that:

...<input type="button" onclick="return play('filename', 'title');" class="playlink" />...

I'm trying to programmatically replace that with tokens in this format:


But something's not working right. Could someone look at it:


$src = 'aaaaa<input type="button" onclick="return play(\'hellofile\', \'hellotitle\');" class="playlink" />bbbbb';
$t = preg_replace('#<input\ type="button"\ onclick="return play(\'(.*?)\',\ \'(.*?)\');"\ class="playlink"\ />#us', '{a:${1}:${2}}', $src);
echo $t;


You can use the following regex:

Demo here .

Capture group 1 contains filename, group 2 contains the title.

I got it to work like this:

$src = 'aaaaa<input type="button" onclick="return play(\'hellofile\', \'hellotitle\');" class="playlink" />bbbbb';
$rgx = '#<input type="button" onclick="return play\(' . "'(.*?)', '(.*?)'" . '\);" class="playlink" />#u';
$t = preg_replace($rgx, '{a:${1}:${2}}', $src);
echo "$t\n";

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