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Parse XML data to SQL with multiple child node data

I have a xml file having following data

<SearchProgramsResponse xmlns="http://api.abc.com/2011-03-01/">
<programItem id="7779">
<name>Coolblue NL</name>
<category id="40">Cell, Phone &amp; Fax</category>
<category id="11">Internet services</category>

<programItem id="7780">
<name>ABC NL</name>
<category id="42">Cell</category>
<category id="12">services</category>

I want to Transfer this XML data to SQL server tables. But as there are multiple categories for one ITEM.. So how do i process this XML.

I mean I want to transfer DATA to two tables

In tableA one row per record eg :

TableA(ITEM) : programItem , Name , adrank 
TABLEB(Category) : ITEMID, categoryID ,CategoryName  

I have gone through XML reference but all are with Single value xml attribute , HOW can I process this type of XML ?

I have tried both queries below but no success

DECLARE @xmldata XML 
SET @xmldata =
N'<SearchProgramsResponse xmlns="http://api.abc.com/2011-03-01/">
<programItem id="7779">
<name>Coolblue NL</name>
<category id="40">Cell, Phone &amp; Fax</category>
<category id="11">Internet services</category>
<programItem id="7780">
<name>ABC NL</name>
<category id="42">Cell</category>
<category id="12">services</category>

       Tbl.Col.value('name[1]', 'varchar(70)')
FROM   @xmldata.nodes('/SearchProgramsResponse/programItems/programItem') Tbl(Col)  

     XReservering.value('@programItem', 'int'),
     XOpties.value('(.)', 'varchar(50)')
    @xmldata.nodes('/SearchProgramsResponse/programItems/programItem') AS XTbl1(XReservering)
    XReservering.nodes('categories/category') AS XTbl2(XOpties)

Well you can apply nodes() function twice to get all the categories with item_id :

;with xmlnamespaces(default 'http://api.abc.com/2011-03-01/')
    t.c.value('@id', 'int') as id,
    t.c.value('(name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as name,
    t.c.value('(adrank/text())[1]', 'decimal(29,10)') as adrank
from @data.nodes('SearchProgramsResponse/programItems/programItem') as t(c)

;with xmlnamespaces(default 'http://api.abc.com/2011-03-01/')
    t.c.value('@id', 'int') as item_id,
    c.c.value('@id', 'int') as category_id,
    c.c.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as category_name
from @data.nodes('SearchProgramsResponse/programItems/programItem') as t(c)
    outer apply t.c.nodes('categories/category') as c(c)

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