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How to set the schema of @OneToMany autogenerated tables?

I want to put all of the following autogenerated tables into a specific schema.

@Table(name = "master_table", schema = "test")
public class MasterTable {
    private List<VideoEntity> videos;

    @Table(name = "video_entity", schema = "test")
    public static class VideoEntity {


Result: there are the two entity tables in test schema, but also one in the public schema called master_table_videos for the list mapping.

Question: how can I tell hibernate to also put the list-mapping table in the same schema than the others?

I think you should use the @JoinTable annotation, at least that allows to set the schema name in standard JPA. Check the JavaDoc for Java EE 7 or Java EE 6 .

So it would be something like @JoinTable(name = "master_to_videos", schema = "test" ) , and you could also specify the name of the join column if required.


I agree with Hein Blöd i tested the @joinTable annotation after any other annotation like @ManyToOne @OneToMany... as for your example it becomes like this

@JoinTable(schema = "testSchema" )
private List<VideoEntity> videos;

testSchema is interpreted by Hibernate as test-schema

i know this is for an old question i'm writing this so that any one right now can find the correct answer i search the inte.net and this is the first question i found.

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