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laravel populate select box

I have seen similar questions asked before, but was unable to find a solution to my problem. So I have a ClientController and within it this function

public function edit(Client $client)
    return view('clients.edit', compact('client'));

So that passes the client object to my edit view. This view is pretty much the following

{!! Form::model($client, ['method' => 'PATCH', 'route' => ['clients.update', $client->slug]]) !!}
@include('clients/partials/_form', ['submit_text' => 'Edit Client'])
{!! Form::close() !!}

So it is using a partial for the form. At the moment, the partial looks like so

<div class="form-group">
    {!! Form::label('clientName', 'Client Name:') !!}
    {!! Form::text('clientName') !!}
<div class="form-group">
    {!! Form::label('clientStatus', 'Client Status:') !!}
    {!! Form::select('clientStatus') !!}

When I visit the edit page for a client, I can see the form. The clientName is populated with the clientName value. The clientStatus is populated if I put it as a text input, but I cant get it to populate within a select as shown above. Furthermore, clientStatus can either be New or Existing. I need the select box to be pre-populated with the status of the client that is being edited, but I need the other option available within the select as well. So if the clientStatus is New, New should be pre-selected within the select box and if I open the select, Existing should be the other option.

What would be the best way to achieve this?


Modify your select to include an array of the possible values.

Basic Select - Label is value

{!! Form::select('clientStatus',['New','Existing']) !!}

Key Value Select - Key is value

{!! Form::select('clientStatus',[ 1 => 'New', 2 => 'Existing']) !!}

Form model will then set the value in the select to the one in the model.

More information see the docs .

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