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ReferenceError: Can't find variable: module in angular testing

I'm trying to write a test for my Angular controller, I'm using jasmine karma and angular-mocks , but keeps on getting the error ReferenceError: Can't find variable: module .

I had a bit of a search , but I already have the angular-mocks in my bower.

What could I be missing here?

The following is my code:

angular.module('cook_book_ctrl', [])
.controller('cookBookCtrl', function($scope, CookBook, CookBookRecipesService){

  $scope.cookbookoptions = true;

     $scope.recipeList = data;

#controller test
describe('CookBook controller spec', function(){
  var $httpBackend, $rootScope, createController, authRequestHandler


  "name": "HelloIonic",
  "private": "true",
  "devDependencies": {
    "ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#1.0.0",
    "ionic-service-analytics": "master",
    "ionic-service-core": "~0.1.4",
    "angular-mocks": "1.3.13"
  "dependencies": {
    "ng-cordova-oauth": "~0.1.2",
    "ng-tags-input": "~2.3.0",
    "angular": "~1.4.0",
    "underscore": "~1.8.3",
    "materialize": "~0.97.0"
  "resolutions": {
    "angular": "~1.4.0"


UPDATE: Screenshot added for clarity


Besides installing angular-mocks through bower, remember to add reference to angular-mocks.js in your karma config file, like below


    basePath: '../',
    port: '8000',

    files: [

In my case it was also about wrong order of files path in karma.conf.js.


// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
  'tests/*.test.js', // this should not be as first!


Should be:

// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
  'tests/*.test.js' // now it's cool

Maybe obvious thing or maybe not? ;-)

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