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Get all keys of nsdictionary sorted alphabetically in swift?

I have got a NSDictionary with alphabets as keys. I want to get those keys sorted alphabetically . I have tried many methods but I am getting error on Sort() method. Can any one help me ????

Thanks in advance

Note: 1) I don't want to get a sorted array of dictionaries 2) I don't want to sort the dictionary by means of the values (I am getting a lot of answers for this )

You can sort the keys this way:

let dictionary: NSDictionary = ["a" : 1, "b" : 2]
let sortedKeys = (dictionary.allKeys as! [String]).sorted(<) // ["a", "b"]

Swift 3:

let dictionary: NSDictionary = ["a" : 1, "b" : 2]
let sortedKeys = (dictionary.allKeys as! [String]).sorted(by: <) // ["a", "b"]

In Swift 2.2

You can sort like this in Ascending Order

let myDictionary: Dictionary = ["a" : 1, "b" : 2]
let sortedKeys = myDictionary.keys.sort()          // ["a", "b"]

Descending Order

let myDictionary: Dictionary = ["a" : 1, "b" : 2]
let sortedKeys = myDictionary.keys.sort(>)        // ["b", "a"]

For Swift 3

    // Initialize the Dictionary
let dict = ["name": "John", "surname": "Doe"]

// Get array of keys

var keys = Array(dict.keys).sorted(by: >)

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