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Can't connect to the database out of the local host

I've been trying to connect to database using this .php code: My number port is 2086. The following code woks using the localhost bu not when I tried to run out of the localhost (on the live site). There is only write "error" that strange that mysqli_connect_error() function doesn't return anything. Can I find a solution ?


  if ($enlace = mysqli_connect("ip+port", "username", "password", "databases"))
        echo 'connect to the databases';
      printf("error", mysqli_connect_error());


$enlace = mysqli_connect("ip+port", etc...

is incorrect. port is specified as argument #5:

$enlace = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname, $port)

It finally work !! I changed the domain name of the site and it's works. I think the problem is due to the old domain name. I'm sent them a mail for try to find a solution.

thank you for all of you help

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