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Regex: get string between last character occurence before a comma

I need some help with Regex.

I have this string: \\\\lorem\\ipsum\\dolor,\\\\sit\\amet\\conseteteur,\\\\sadipscing\\elitr\\sed\\diam
and want to get the result: ["dolor", "conseteteur", "diam"]
So in words the word between the last backslash and a comma or the end.

I've already figured out a working test , but because of reasons it won't work in neither
Chrome (v44.0.2403.130) nor IE (v11.0.9600.17905) console.

There i'm getting the result: ["\\loremipsumdolor,", "\\sitametconseteteur,", "\\sadipscingelitrseddiam"]

Can you please tell me, why the online testers aren't working and how i can achieve the right result?

Thanks in advance.

PS: I've tested a few online regex testers with all the same result. (regex101.com, regexpal.com, debuggex.com, scriptular.com)

The string


is getting escaped, if you try the following in the browser's console you'll see what happens:

var s = '\\lorem\ipsum\dolor,\\sit\amet\conseteteur,\\sadipscing\elitr\sed\diam'
// prints '\loremipsumdolor,\sitametconseteteur,\sadipscingelitrseddiam'

To use your original string you have to add additional backslashes, otherwise it becomes a different one because it tries to escape anything followed by a single backslash.

The reason why it works in regexp testers is because they probably sanitize the input string to make sure it gets evaluated as-is .

Try this (added an extra \\ for each of them):

str = '\\\\lorem\\ipsum\\dolor,\\\\sit\\amet\\conseteteur,\\\\sadipscing\\elitr\\sed\\diam'

re = /\\([^\\]*)(?:,|$)/g


// should output ["\dolor,", "\conseteteur,", "\diam"]


You can't prevent the interpreter from escaping backslashes in string literals , but this functionality is coming with EcmaScript6 as String.raw

s = String.raw`\\lorem\ipsum\dolor,\\sit\amet\conseteteur,\\sadipscing\elitr\sed\diam`

Remember to use backticks instead of single quotes with String.raw . It's working in latest Chrome, but I can't say for all other browsers, if they're moderately old, it probably isn't implemented.

Also, if you want to avoid matching the last backslash you need to:

  • remove the \\\\ at the start of your regexp
  • use + instead of * to avoid matching the line end (it will create an extra capture)
  • use a positive lookahead ?=

like this

s = String.raw`\\lorem\ipsum\dolor,\\sit\amet\conseteteur,\\sadipscing\elitr\sed\diam`;
re = /([^\\]+)(?=,|$)/g;
// ["dolor", "conseteteur", "diam"]

You may try this,



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