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How to extract last occurence of string, between two delimiters from multiple delimiters, using regex?

I am trying to extract

`Something is "670px ?

from my input string:

? "Result was 670670px"
? Something is "670px ?
? `

But I can't seem to get it quite right.

If I use the following regex:


Then the extracted string is:

`"Result was 670670px"
? Something is "670px ?

And If i use:


Then there is no match. I've tried other regexes, but none seem to do the trick.

I want to extract all the characters that occur between the last two question marks that start on a newline. There may be other question marks present in the characters to be extracted. The input string always ends in a question mark followed by a space. What regex will extract the relevant string?

I want to extract the last string that occurs between two question marks which start on a newline. There may be other question marks in the middle but I want to ignore those. The input string always ends in a question mark followed by a space.

 const input = `100000000670 ? "Result was 670670px" ? "670px ? am" ? `; const regex = /\\n\\?((?:[^\\n]|\\n(?!\\?))*\\n)\\? $/; const match = input.match(regex); console.log(match[1]);

If you want to exclude the leading space and trailing newline just use trim() or trivially adjust the regex. I am just following the letter of the quote I included above, and interpreting "last string" as all characters between the question marks.

Further explanation on request.

To match the last string that occurs between two question marks which start on a newline:

  • \\n\\? Match a newline and ?
  • [^\\S\\n]* Match optional whitespace chars without a newline
  • ( Capture group 1
    • .* Match the rest of the line
    • (?:\\n(?!\\?).*)* Match all lines that do not start with ?
  • ) Close group
  • \\n[^\\S\\n]*\\?[^\\S\\n]* Match a newline and a ? between optional spaces
  • $ End of string

Regex demo

 const regex = /\\n\\?[^\\S\\n]*(.*(?:\\n(?!\\?).*)*)\\n[^\\S\\n]*\\?[^\\S\\n]*$/; const s = `100000000670 ? "Result was 670670px" ? Something is "670px ? am" ? `; const m = s.match(regex); if (m) { console.log(m[1]); }

This would work:

"[^"]+"(?=\s+\? $(?![\r\n]))
  • "[^"]+" - get double-quoted content
  • (?=\\s+\\? $(?![\\r\\n])) - ahead of me must be the question mark + space which terminates the string
    • JS does not support the "end of string" meta-character \\Z so we emulate it with $(?![\\r\\n]) which translates to "no more line breaks after the end of the line"


One strategy might be to split the string based on the delimiters, creating an array. Then, pop the last element off of the array. (Or maybe the next-to-last.)

An advantage of such logic, if it applies here, would be that it is fairly obvious what is happening. "Regex spaghetti-code" is a thing to be avoided whenever possible.

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