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REST POST to Java app returns JSON response with some fields null

I am entering a JSON POST using Postman to localhost where I have a Springboot app running.

The POST is:

{"applicantName":"On Gaber","amount":"5000","asset":"Car","creditScore":"602"}


public class LoanSubmissionController {
private LoanService loanService;
public LoanSubmissionController(LoanService loanService) {
    this.loanService = loanService;

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
LoanApplicationDTO create(
        @RequestBody @Valid LoanApplicationDTO loanApplicationDTO) {
    return loanService.create(loanApplicationDTO);


Service Class:

public class LoanSubmissionService implements LoanService {

private final LoanApplicationRepository repository;

public LoanSubmissionService(LoanApplicationRepository repository) {
    this.repository = repository;

// @Override
public LoanApplicationDTO create(LoanApplicationDTO loanApplicationDTO) {
    LoanApplication persisted = LoanApplication.getBuilder()
    persisted = repository.save(persisted);
    return convertToDTO(persisted);

Repository Class:

public interface LoanApplicationRepository extends
    MongoRepository<LoanApplication, String> {

LoanApplication save(LoanApplication saved);

DTO Class:

package com.liquidlogic.loanprocessor.web;

public final class LoanApplicationDTO {

private String id;
private String applicantName;
private String amount;
private String asset;
private String creditScore;

public LoanApplicationDTO() {

public String getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(String id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getApplicantName() {
    return applicantName;

public void setApplicantName(String applicantName) {
    this.applicantName = applicantName;

public String getAmount() {
    return amount;

public void setAmount(String amount) {
    this.amount = amount;

public String getAsset() {
    return asset;

public void setAsset(String asset) {
    this.asset = asset;

public String getCreditScore() {
    return creditScore;

public void setCreditScore(String creditScore) {
    this.creditScore = creditScore;


Domain Class:

import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

public class LoanApplication implements Application {

private String id;
private String applicantName;
private String amount;
private String asset;
private String creditScore;

public LoanApplication() {

private LoanApplication(ApplicationBuilder builder) {
    this.applicantName = builder.applicantName;
    this.amount = builder.amount;
    this.asset = builder.asset;
    this.creditScore = builder.creditScore;

public static ApplicationBuilder getBuilder() {
    return new ApplicationBuilder();

public String getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(String id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getAmount() {
    return amount;

public void setAmount(String amount) {
    this.amount = amount;

public String getAsset() {
    return asset;

public void setAsset(String asset) {
    this.asset = asset;

public String getCreditScore() {
    return creditScore;

public void setCreditScore(String creditScore) {
    this.creditScore = creditScore;

public void setApplicantName(String applicantName) {
    this.applicantName = applicantName;

public String getApplicantName() {
    return applicantName;

public String toString() {
    return "LoanApplication [id=" + id + ", applicantName=" + applicantName
            + ", amount=" + amount + ", asset=" + asset + ", creditScore="
            + creditScore + "]";

public void update(String applicantName, String amount, String asset,
        String creditScore) {
    this.applicantName = applicantName;
    this.amount = amount;
    this.asset = asset;
    this.creditScore = creditScore;

public static class ApplicationBuilder {

    private String applicantName;
    private String amount;
    private String asset;
    private String creditScore;

    private ApplicationBuilder() {

    public ApplicationBuilder applicantName(String applicantName) {
        this.applicantName = applicantName;
        return this;

    public ApplicationBuilder amount(String amount) {
        this.amount = amount;
        return this;

    public ApplicationBuilder asset(String asset) {
        this.asset = asset;
        return this;

    public ApplicationBuilder creditScore(String creditScore) {
        this.creditScore = creditScore;
        return this;

    public LoanApplication build() {
        LoanApplication build = new LoanApplication(this);
        return build;



Springboot autowires up and configures the entire app. There's no need for a web.xml or Spring configuration, Springboot does it all.



JSON Response:

  "id": "55c39c23f04a07251bc598b0",
  "applicantName": "On Gaber",
  "amount": "5000",
  "asset": null,
  "creditScore": null

Abbreviated Eclipse Console output:

: Started LoanApplicationProcessor in 5.258 seconds (JVM running for 6.012)
: Successfully completed request

All fields in the domain and DTO are type String. I can't figure out why the "asset" and "credtiScore" fields are null. Any ideas?

您不会在public LoanApplicationDTO create(LoanApplicationDTO loanApplicationDTO)方法中将这些字段的值分配给新实体,因此不会public LoanApplicationDTO create(LoanApplicationDTO loanApplicationDTO)这些值。

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