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MVC Create RSS/Atom Feed with FileResult

I try to create a RSS feed for my ASP.NET MVC 5 web site. I created some classes to create the XML with a XmlSerializer . I use this serializer inside a special Result class which is derivated from FileResult :

public class RssResult : FileResult
    public RssResult() : base( "application/rss+xml") { }

    protected override void WriteFile(HttpResponseBase response)
        var seri = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RssFeed));
        seri.Serialize(response.OutputStream, this.Feed);

    public RssFeed Feed { get; set; }

Then I wrote an extension method for Controller :

public static RssResult RssFeed(this Controller controller, RssFeed feed, string FileDownloadName = "feed.rss")
    return new RssResult()
        Feed = feed,
        FileDownloadName = FileDownloadName

If I call an action that returns a RssResult Firefox and Internet Explorer asks my to download the file. But I want to see the typical reader interfaces of the browsers.

What I am doing wrong here respectively what I must change?

FileResult adds a content-disposition header that prompts the "download" in a browser.

If you have your data serialized, just return the content-type (eg application/xml or what you already have ( application/rss+xml )...so either return Content or derive from ActionResult

See this XMLResult example from MvcContrib - note that it derives from ActionResult (not FileResult )


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