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Angular JS - {{ }} not working but data-ng-bind display the scope

I've an issue with Angular JS. I don't get why my data in the scope can't be displayed with the {{ }} but can be display if I use the directive : data-ng-bind.

If anyone has an idea :

Here's my HTML Code :

<aside  id="sidebar-left" class="sidebar-left" data-ng-controller="PortalController" data-ng-init="getAppslist()">

    <div class="sidebar-header">
        <div class="sidebar-title">
        <div class="sidebar-toggle hidden-xs" data-toggle-class="sidebar-left-collapsed" data-target="html" data-fire-event="sidebar-left-toggle">
            <i class="fa fa-bars" aria-label="Toggle sidebar"></i>

    <div class="nano" >
        <div class="nano-content">
            <nav id="menu" class="nav-main" role="navigation">
                <ul class="nav nav-main">
                    <li class="nav-active">
                        <a href="#!/">
                            <i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <a href="#!/users">
                            <i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i>

                    <li class="nav-parent">

                        <a href="#!/apps">
                            <i class="fa fa-cubes" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <ul class="nav nav-children">
                            <li ng-repeat="app in appslist">
                                <a ng-href="#!/apps/{{app.CloudAppInstanceId}}">{{app.Name}}</a>



Here's my controller :

angular.module('core').controller('PortalController', ['$scope', 'Portal',
function($scope, Portal) {
    $scope.getAppslist = function() {
        Portal.getApps(function(callback) {
            $scope.appslist = callback;
            $scope.blabla = 'blabla';

And here's my service :

angular.module('core').factory('Portal', function($http, $cookies, $rootScope) {
// define factory object
var factory = {};

var getApps = function(callback){
    $http.get($rootScope.logrrApiAddress + '/apps', config).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {

factory.getApps = function(callback){
    return getApps(callback);

Thanks in advance for your response

Martin Taz

You don't need handlebars in an ng-href. Try:

<a ng href="'#!/apps/' + app.CloudAppInstanceId">{{app.Name}}</a>

Better yet would be to turn that into a method on your controller.

<a ng href="'#!/apps/' + app.CloudAppInstanceId">{{app.Name}}</a>

Seems to me that app is not defined in the scope, what you do set in PortalController , though, is $scope.appslist .

Also, the Portal factory function must return an object instance (it currently doesn't return anything). AND the factory's method must actually return a promise, too.

angular.module('core').factory('Portal', [
    '$http', '$cookies', '$rootScope',
    function($http, $cookies, $rootScope) {

        var factory = {};  // define factory object

        factory.getApps = function(){
            // FIXME: what is "config", where is it supposed to come from?
            return $http.get($rootScope.logrrApiAddress + '/apps', config);

        return factory;  // <-- you need to return something

angular.module('core').controller('PortalController', [
    '$scope', 'Portal',
    function($scope, Portal) {
         $scope.getAppslist = function() {
             Portal.getApps().then(function (data) {
                 $scope.apps = data;
                 $scope.blabla = 'blabla';

I changed things a bit, esp. got rid of the callback parameter - you don't need that, simply get the promise that getApps() returns and use the data once the promise is resolved.

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